Our mission is to use martial arts to develop strength, discipline, respect, leadership, and strong character in our students.
At The Master's Martial Arts, we use Tae Kwon Do and other martial arts as the framework to develop character in the lives of our students. Our school is different than any other martial arts center in the world in the way we go about developing character in those who attend. We have a saying for our students to memorize every day and a corresponding lesson at the end of class. We also have a word study or character quality study for each belt. By the time a student receives their Black Belt, they will have heard about five hundred character building lessons. Before a student moves up in belt rank, they must show improvement in their martial arts requirements as well as quote all the required memorization for their belt level. Once they are given a promotion application for achieving all requirements at the martial arts center, they must have a parent and a teacher sign a paper confirming that student is demonstrating the tenets of Tae Kwon Do outside of class. Once they meet all requirements from their Instructor and receive their parent's and teacher's signature, they do a character evaluation on themselves.